Tuesday, July 3, 2007

On July 3, a typical workday

I sent out 57 emails between (10:00 am - 1:00 am)
I received 86 emails between (5:00 am - 5:00 am)

On an average, I sent out 4 emails per hour, or one every 15 minutes for continous 15 hours. I received 3.5 emails per hour, or one every 17 minutes for continous 24 hours.

For the 15 hour period, in which I both sent and received emails, I exchanged emails at the rate of 7.3 per hour or 1 email exchanged every 8 minutes.

Interesting AND scary!! when do I actually get to work :-p

1 comment:

Ali Haider said...

Interesting job profile........